Wednesday, April 17, 2019

5 Best Social Media Goals & Ways To Reach Those

Social Media marketing is one of the strongest platforms for marketing and to reach out mass. But while it comes to marketing, the right STRATEGY makes all the difference. Be your business of any size, if you can set right social media goals then it can be well achieved which quantifies ROI. If you are a beginner on this platform get assisted by an affordable digital marketing agency for strategic goal setting according to specific business and execution of marketing process.
Quick Steps In Setting Goals
It’s not rocket science you can easily set social media goals by studying followings:-
· Identify - You have to first understand who your target audience is.
· Audit - If you presently execute social media marketing then audit all channels, performance from those and reachability.
· Data Crunching – Data is a big source which can help you set further goals and guide to perform best.
· Content analysis – Contents should be very creative, unique and featuring.
· Goal framework – Based on the analysis you may set a goal framework which is realistic, achievable and yet exploring.
Top notch SEO service package providers or social media marketing experts say that setting goals and making strategy is the most important part. If that can be done judiciously then digital marketing has no other alternative. The best part is its easily quantifying result and pocket-friendly schemes to suit every business type. But the framework should be SMART, let’s decode the acronym.
· Specific – Set clear and well-defined goals
· Measurable – Track and quantify goal achievements.
· Achievable – Don’t make far-fetched goals.
· Realistic – Should be realistic goals according to resources.
· Time-bound - Set milestones and deadlines. Also, keep long term and short term goals.
OKR Goal Framework
Objectives and key results, this framework is preferred by Google. Google defines that this framework can be achieved by answering two questions:-
- What to Achieve
- How to track if you are achieving it.
Be it SEO or SMO, tracking is the most important part. Hence all SMO service packages in Australia have a tracking module integrated irrespective of package price and category to enhances transparency and growth.
Parameters of tracking Social Media Goals
Top 10 parameters to track Social Media goals are:-
· Brand Awareness – Reachability of your brand name, reach of your post, shares, virality, impression and amplification rate are the key metrics to track how successfully you have set brand awareness.
· Brand reputation – Customer satisfaction and popularity are the most important key metrics. Amplification rate, social share, applause rate, and social sentiments are other measuring metrics to track brand reputation.
· Engage the community – Click-through rate, audience growth, amplification, engagement rate, conversion and bounce rate, comment conversion score are key metrics under community engagement.
· Conversion – It is the bottom line of all efforts. Bringing leads and converting it into prospective sales is the objective. So track the traffic diverted to your page or website by integrating quantifying tools and minutely study their behavior to analyze the area that demands attention and hard work.
· Crisis Management – Identifying the crisis or lack of service is a major aspect. Quantifying which leads are not converting into sales and why not? Delivering service accordingly is very necessary.
· Vanity Metrics – Likes, comments, followers, shares counts your effort against competitors.
· Content Strategy-. Contents should be helpful, attractive and unique to best explain and assist viewers or customers.
· Targeting – Gradually you should explore the segment of your target audience and implement practices that can best beat your competitors.
· Data accumulation – Through social media, you can instantly get visitor’s email id and some basic details or likes that help you peach them accordingly.
· Demographics – Follower’s demographics should also be tracked to provide information, updates or special offers.
Keep watching this space to know more about digital marketing.


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