Web Design and Development

We, at O2, claim to deliver professional and affordable web design services in Australia. We Design, Develop and Re-design your website in accordance with the latest trends that drive growth for your business.

Digital Marketing

At O2, we assist you in crafting an idea of what your target customers look like, what they do, where they spend time online by building your buyer personas.

Serach Engine Optimisation

O2 holds specialization in Search Engine Optimization services. Search Engine Optimization is a strategic process used to improve the online website visibility of a brand. In the simplest terms, Good SEO service will help bring your website on the top on Google ranking.

Websites starting at just $599 Once-off *

O2 has been specifically tailored for Small to Medium Enterprises, offering the services of Web Design and Development, Content Management, Digital Marketing, including SEO services to bring your business on the top of Google and Social Media services to create Brand Awareness of your business in the marke.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How to Keep Away from Negative SEO?

SEO or as commonly full-formed as Search Engine Optimization is one of the key aspects responsible for the visibility of a website on a search engine. Google, a place where every website desires to land upon, acquiring the top-most position works on the footsteps of SEO. The more difficult it gets for a customer to look up for a website, the lesser interest he possesses. If you wish your prospective customers to locate you easily, then you must, without a second thought invest on the SEO of your website. You must look for a well-known Digital Marketing Agency in Australia.
What is Negative SEO?
Negative SEO refers to sabotaging your competitor’s or any other website in order to improve the ranking of yours. This may include various means and methods, which, however, are banned by search engines. The pure game of risk, negative SEO is a practice that might charge a penalty from an organization, in case caught red-handed. These are various unethical techniques to crawl up your website on Google and crawl down others’. This can be done in various forms including hacking your website, building spamming links to the website, copying your content and spreading it all over the internet, ruining the reputation of a website by creating numerous fake profiles, and removing the best of the backlinks from your website.
It is even more threatening if you have just settled down your business. Newly developed websites don’t really have a history of backlinks and thus the negative SEO attack can literally wipe it off the search engine; in comparison to the older ones. Negative SEO is a real threat and a wakeup call for your business. To survive in the industry, every business must follow the idea of prevention being better than cure. There are easier ways of preventing your website from negative SEO tagging than removing it. The only competition in the online industry is for visibility; and organizations prohibit themselves from following the rules, thus landing themselves and many others in the hands of a negative SEO attack.
How to Prevent Negative SEO?
If you observe a significant drop or an enormous hike in the traffic on your website from unknown and unreliable sources, then you must take this as a threat alert and continue reading.
·         Take help from Google webmaster
Google is as helpful a search engine as you may need. It sends you e-mail alerts when your website is being attacked by any sort of malware or your pages are not being indexed. Google brings it to your notice when you have server connectivity problems, or you are about to get a manual penalty from Google. For this, you must connect your website to Google Webmaster tools and enable notifications and reception of alerts from all types of issues.
·         Keep stalking your backlinks profile
This is the most important and effective step for keeping away from spammers. In most cases, negative SEO works against your website when you have low-quality links or redirects. You must look up for various tools like Ahrefs or Open Site Explorer to check the quality and functioning of your backlinks for yourself and attain access to notifications and alerts.
·         Don’t cross ways with from Malware and Hackers
You must always maintain a good distance from Hackers. You have no idea which business might be trying to bring you down entirely. To prevent hacking of all your important accounts, you must keep the passwords complicated, such that they cannot be guessed or established by anybody. You must also keep them only for yourself. Never disclose! Also, you must ensure that you keep a backup of all your files and data on a regular basis, such there is no loss of data. Also, ask your hosting company to install high-quality antivirus, in case you allow your customers to upload any files on your website.
·         Avoid Duplicacy
Content duplication is the key for spammers. They will copy the content from your website and post them everywhere. Google has a policy of penalizing the website that are fans of delicacy. If Google realizes that your content has been duplicated, it is going to penalize you for going against the policies. There are numerous websites that help you check if yours has duplicate content or not. Hence, you must keep a strict check on the content on a regular basis.
·         Social Media might be harmful
It does not take much time for any information to go viral on social media. To be safe from all ends, you must keep a check on your accounts on all social media platforms. The ones who are trying to let you down can also create fake accounts, using your brand name on social media. Your social media marketing team must keep a strict check that there are no fake accounts on any social media platform from a brand name similar to yours. In case there is, you must report it as spam before it gains a good number of followers.
You must not get tied in your own SEO strategies, instead hire an experienced Web Design and Development company, or SEO Service Company that makes sure you don’t suffer in any case. Your Digital Marketers must be well aware of the SEO strategies that are being used. Keep a check on the following points to be successful in the marketing of your business-
1.       You should not get influenced by the idea of duplication of content to achieve a better ranking
2.       You should stay at a distance from the penalized website
3.       You must not buy links from blog networks or for SEO
4.       You should not publish a massive number of guests blogs
5.       You should not build too many backlinks using persuading keywords
6.       You should not set all the backlinks on your website using “no follow” feature
Don’t feel the burden. For strategic and results-oriented Digital Marketing techniques, take assistance from O2, a leading Web Design and Development, and SEO service company. We’re a leading creative digital marketing agency, with guaranteed solutions for all the digital needs of your business.

Australia Office
14 Warili Road, Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW Australia 2086
India Office
Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurugram, Haryana 122008
Australia ph: +61 405 550 999
India ph: +91 76448 48484

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What Are The Australian Digital Advertising Practices?

What Are The Australian Digital Advertising Practices? 
Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States of America once said, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” His words today act as the motto of every marketing agency. While advertising for a product, you cannot be sure if the viewer is going to buy it or not, but to make him think over it is the game in your hands. You, being the advertiser, always have the ball in your court which gives you the lead to win and makes the viewer buy your product. All you need is to play safe. 
Marketing in this era has totally gone digital. With the advent of technology, personal interactions are lesser preferred in comparison with the online interactions. The world is now going digital, and so are we. Hence, the need for businesses to understand the importance of online marketing services and moving in the similar direction is inevitable. 

Understanding the need of the hour, the major Australian Industry standard bodies, namely the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA), the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), and the Media Federation of Australia (MFA) have released the industry’s first agreed set of digital marketing practices in order to support the advertisers, agencies, publishers and various digital platforms in Australia. The US IAB proposed its set of technical standards for digital ads two years before the Australian organization did so, and the UK ad tech launched its Global Standard pledge nine months before the Australian ad industry. Keeping the advertisers in mind, the Australian ad industry has forbidden the ban on autoplay ads; with the motive of challenging the viewers with their thoughts. The digital advertisers are mostly left alone with the question of whether and how their digital investments are going to pay them off. For many advertisers, there is a huge cloud of confusion that leads to lower confidence. Considering such factors, both the advertisers and the consumers have been kept in focus while framing the advertising practices in the Australian market. 
The World Federation of Advertisers has also released its Global Media Charter that outlines the ‘Eight  Principles for Partnership’ that calls for action from both advertisers and organizations across the media value chain in relation to viewability measurement.  

  • Digital transparency - For the amateurs in the industry, it becomes a challenging experience to understand the trends of the digital world. Hence, the importance of Digital transparency in the industry speaks for itself. To cut through the confusion and aid transparency in the digital industry, you must take the assistance of online marketing services. These services will make clear and simple information available to you and will build an understanding of the media and various supply chain elements.  The offering of various SEO services packages and their usage will help you truly drive business outcomes. 
  • Viewability - The factor of Viewablity has been granted enough importance in the Australian Digital Practices. It must be noted that an ad cannot be of any use unless it is seen by the consumers. To make your content visible, you must purchase various SEO services packages that will help your website and business grow in the long run. Hence, the Australian Digital Marketing industry has kept itself away from the ban on autoplay ads. An ad seen by a customer, however, is in no way a guarantee for the ad to work well for the business. The hands of advertisers, media agencies, creative agencies and media owners and digital agencies in Australia must all go into making a successful and result-driven ad. 
  • Ad fraud and safety - Another major issue that works against the advertisers is ad fraud and safety. The advertisers become disinclined towards investing in the ads as it feeds them with the fear of being deceited upon. Ad fraud is basically referring to the practice of fraudulently representing online impressions, clicks, conversions or data with the motive of generating revenue. It distorts the media results and wastes marketing dollars as nobody has seen the ad. Brand safety refers to protecting the brand from exposing it to any harmful or unsafe environment. 
  • Transparency of data - Respecting the transparency of data helps organizations protect their brand image and build trust with the consumers. Since the organizations have access to important consumer data, it is of utmost importance that the data is kept safe and clear of any harm. Maintaining the best practices of privacy and security and complying with the laws will help protect the brand and safeguard customer confidentiality.  

To conclude, the practices brought in by the Australian Advertising market are in favor of both, the advertisers and the consumers. This should promote the result-driven approach towards the digital marketing industry and benefit the Digital agencies in Australia. 

Australia Office 
14 Warili Road, Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW Australia 2086 


+61 405 550 999 
+91 76448 48484 

India Office 
Udyog Vihar, Phase IV, Gurugram, Haryana 122008